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Page 231 - October 4 , 2012

So, I had a feeling that the mark of aRTD's one year anniversary was about to come up this month, and when I took a little peek at my server logs to find out when exactly I discovered was last month. Yes 22th of September last year was apparently the day when I put up the first pages of aRTD for people to read, aRTD is therefore one year and two weeks old as of today! I'm sorry, dear comic of mine, that I completely forgot your birthday. I should have done something special to celebrate the occasion. No idea what, but something!

Well, at least I've got a late and not very remarkable one year mark thing as today's vote incentive on Topwebcomics: a colored sketch featuring baby Ville and 19 year old Paju and Hannu (whose hair almost looks like he didn't cut it himself. :O)