A Redtail's Dream started up here on the web in late 2011 and it ended two years later in 2013 with 556 pages in total. This whole project was intended to be a practice comic for me so that I would have some comicking experience once I started drawing my pet comic project, "Stand Still. Stay Silent", and I started working on it during my first year of University studies. The plan was to have the whole comic done by the time I was graduating. It all went according to plan, two years later I got my bachelor's degree in graphic design from the school of industrial arts at Aalto university in Helsinki, and I finished A Redtail's Dream. Except it ended up being over 550 pages long instead of perhaps 150 as I initially estimated it would be.
During the final chapter in themonth of September in 2013 I ran a successful crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to cover the cost of printing a hardcover book version of the comic, which is something I never intended to do when I started the comic. The book is scheduled to be finished and printed in the spring of 2013.
Q: How much time did you spend on one page?
A: About 8 hours, give or take an hour. The pages of the first couple chapters often took me well over 10 hours to finish since I was struggling a lot with almost everything.
Q: Are you going to publish aRDT in printed form some day?
A: Yes, I'm working on the book version and it should be printed and available in spring of 2013.
~Q: Is your next comic going to be a webcomic too?
A: Definitely! I wouldn't have it any other way.
Q: Do you take commission or do illustration/comic stuff for hire?
A: Probably not unless I've posted a notice saying the contrary. I'm focusing 100% on my webcomic work as long as I have enough money to pay for rent, food and internet. Q: Who were you again?
A: Ah, yes, hello there! My name is Minna Sundberg, and I'm a Finnish/Swedish lady-person born in Sweden in 1990, and I moved to Finland when I was 7. I've got a bachelor's degree in graphic design from the University of Art and Design in Helsinki. I obviously loooove drawing comics, and I'm very uncomfortable with physical interaction with other human beings so this kind of solitary work is perfect for me.