This is where questions live. The answers are just visiting.
Q: May I use one of your pictures on my webpage/blog/somethingsomething?
A: Sure, as long as you credit me for the picture and, if possible, add a link to back to my page.
Q: What about using one on my computer as a wallpaper?
A: Go ahead, no restrictions there.
Q: On the subject of wallpapers: could you perhaps put up a section with wallpaper-sized versions of your pictures? Most of them are too small to use...
A: Eergh, perhaps in the future. I have thought about making some, but I never get to it.
Q: Are you going to do any new tutorials? Can I make a suggestion for one?
A: Very likely, and you sure can.
Q: Hey, are you open for commissions? There's this picture I need...
A: I probably am. Obviously I don't accept commissions when I'm being swarmed by an army of deadlines, but those periods are usually over within a few weeks. Just send me an email and check if you're interested.
Q: How old are you? Are you a guy or a gal?
A: But...the artist info section is right there... *points*. Oh what the heck, I'm 21 and a gal.
Q: Well, I don't really feel like reading that stuff. So, are you a student?
A: Yes, first year bachelor student at the University of Art and Design in Helsinki.
Q: How did you learn how to draw? Did you go to an art school as a kid?
A: I'm mostly self taught, and at digital art completely self taught, as in I've never taken any courses or such. I of course enjoy the occasional tutorial I find, and often study the works and techniques of those who are better than me.
As a kid I did go to weekly two-hour art session thingies after school where I learnt the basics of various materials and techniques such as oil painting, pastels, etching and painting with coal. The kind of things I never would had touched othervise, and those skills have come in handy even if I don't do much traditional media stuff nowadays.
Q: Do you have any favourite artists or people you look up to.
A: Yea, tons and bucketloads of them, some dead and some living. But I'm not going to start opening that box right now. But it's a large box, I can tell you that. (Plus I'm kind of terrible at remembering names, eheh.)
Q: Heey, you're on Deviantart, right? Are ya' open for art trades perchance?
A: Naaaw... At least not in the near future. I just get stressed out by those, and there's just not enough time to spend in the life of a poor little student who really enjoys sleeping until noon whenever given the chance.
Q: About the comic... how long will it be?
A: Dunno for sure, but right now it looks like 300-350 pages. That could change, of course. My script only exists inside the mess that is my brain so that page estimate might be as useful as a bucket of dog hair.
Q: How much time do you spend on one page?
A: About ten hours, perhaps. I've never really checked, but I usually manage to draw the lineart in less than seven hours and then spend two-three hours coloring and adding the speech bubbles
Q: Could I ask you a bunch of questions for a project/inteview type of thing/ personal interest/ some other reason? :)
A: Fire away. :3
Things, stuff and junk on this page © Minna Sundberg